To ensure that you get the most out of your case study, it is important to follow a logical, planned process.
This involves four key stages: planning, collecting the information, making sense of the information and sharing the information. This structure is shared across each type of case study.
This project process broadly provides a sequential series of steps to follow. These are a guide rather than a set sequence, and some later steps could be considered earlier in the process where they may affect subsequent decisions. For example, deciding the format for publication could usefully be considered early in the overall planning stage, which in turn may guide what types of images are sought.
Needs Assessment
Key Tasks
- What do you need and why?
Key Tasks
- Identifying focus
- Confirming scope
- Inviting participants
- Selecting information to collect
Collecting the Information
Key Tasks
- Reading documents
- Conducting interviews
- Conducting focus groups
- Taking photos or video footage
Making Sense of the Information
Key Tasks
- Identifying themes
- Organising information to support these themes
- Selecting photos that illustrate the themes
Sharing the Information
Key Tasks
- Deciding on a format for publication
- Writing
- Editing
- Producing final report, presentation, video
- Sharing with relevant audiences