
Sharing the information

To finish the case study process, you need to decide on a way to share the information that’s been collected about the club or facility and its key value themes.

This section provides an outline of both for you to use as the basis of your own case study.

Report formats

You have many options for reporting. To decide what will work best for you, consider:

  • who you want to report to
  • their time commitments
  • their areas of interest.

Different types of reports will be ideal for different types of people, including an award nomination, a photo or video story. These can be produced and publlished in a range of formats.

The photo or video story  is an engaging tool for communicating research findings. It includes a photo/photo montage, text and quotations that reflect each value identified.

REMEMBER if using images of identifiable individuals in the photo story (ie rather than a ‘crowd scene’ or scenery/objects) you will need consent.

Template 6: Photo Story Report Format

Report content

Describe the focus and contribution

A comprehensive description of the person or project helps to put any ‘value’ it contributes into context. Things to consider are:

  • the focus — the person or project that’s the focus of the case study
  • the history — origin, development, key events
  • highlights and interesting features — what makes this person or project iconic, unique, special
  • what it contributes — coaching and mentoring, activities
  • the people — who is making the project work, the type and number of people participating, volunteers and their contributions.

Describe the values themes

Take time to identify and describe the value of the person and project. Use quotes and photos to illustrate these values. It’s important to consider both the positive and negative values, and to ensure that you’ve taken account of a wide range of perspectives — members and users, their families.

Bring the story alive

You are telling the story of a person or project that is valued by a group of people and the community. Help to celebrate this by using a range of different techniques, particularly quotes and photos.


While the case study or photo story captures the shared themes that emerge, personal and individual quotes liven up the information and making it more personal. Depending on the quote you can either give the role title (eg volunteer, media, local councillor) or, if the person is a key figurehead who is happy to be quoted, you could include their name (ie The Mayor).

When presenting quotes, use a different font or italics to make sure that it’s clear what’s an individual opinion.


A picture speaks a thousand words, AND breaks up the text. Include plenty that reflect the club, facility, its people, location and where possible the benefits and values. Make sure that you’ve got permission to use the photos and accurately name the key people in each image.


Depending on the format of your photo or video story, you could:

  • publish the results in a booklet
  • post it to the website as a downloadable PDF
  • have it as a powerpoint presentation
  • load a youtube video onto your club website
  • burn the video to DVD
  • prepare some photo-boards for the wall of your clubrooms.