
Sharing the information

To finish the case study process, you need to decide on a way to share the information that’s been collected about the club or project and its key value themes.

This section provides an outline of both for you to use as the basis of your own case study.

Report formats

You have many options for reporting. To decide what will work best for you, consider:

  • who you want to report to
  • their time commitments
  • their areas of interest.

The case study is typically a formal report of up to 20 pages long that contains information about the club or project with photos and quotes illustrating each key value theme.

This might be used as a way of documenting something of historical significance, to provide formal reporting to a stakeholder or funder, or as part of a record of a major initiative.

REMEMBER if using images of identifiable individuals in the photo story (ie rather than a ‘crowd scene’ or scenery/objects) you will need consent.

Template 7: Case Study Format

Report content

Describe who you are

A comprehensive description of your club or project helps to put any ‘value’ it contributes into context. Things to consider are:

  • the focus (the club or project that’s the focus of the case study) including any legal description (incorporated society, stand alone business unit, community trust)
  • the place (location, facilities) and assets
  • the history (origin, development, key events)
  • highlights and interesting features (what makes this club or project iconic, unique, special)
  • what it offers (spaces, activities, services) and when (hours of opening, season)
  • the people (the type and number of people participating, volunteers and their contributions.

Describe the values themes – positive and negative

Take time to identify and fully describe the values of the club or facility. Use quotes and photos to illustrate these values.

It’s important to consider both the positive and negative values, and to ensure that you’ve taken account of a wide range of perspectives — members and users, their families and the local community. Make sure that you’re clear about why these values are important.

Bring the story alive

You are telling the story of a club or project that is valued by a group of people, the community and a broader set of stakeholders. Help to celebrate this by using a range of different techniques, particularly quotes and photos.


Depending on the format of your case study and photo story, you could:

  • publish the results in a booklet
  • post it to the website as a downloadable PDF
  • include the photo story as a powerpoint presentation
  • prepare some photo-boards for the wall of your clubrooms
  • include a summary in the annual report.

The case study can also provide useful background information for funders and external stakeholders.

Use the release of the case study as an opportunity to celebrate the value of your club or facility. Make it a special occasion.