Who will do which parts of the project?
Using the values case study method requires people who can ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. Sometimes people are too ‘close’ to the situation and have their own views. You may want to get someone who is independent to collect the information and help with the analysis. It’s helpful if they’ve got experience working with people — they will need to build relationships with the key stakeholders involved with your club, group or facility.
You will need to have someone prepare the values study — whether it’s a comprehensive report, high level case study or photo story. This doesn’t have to be the person who has collected the information.
You might want to have a small group involved. Make sure that you’ve got the following skills covered.
Project management: Making sure the project is planned, managed and completed
People skills: Getting and keeping people involved, interview and listening skills
Photo and video skills: Including taking the images and editing them with captions
Analysis: Making sense of the information, selecting the best quotes and photos
Reporting: Writing and preparing the values report, case study and/or photo story.
THINK about whether you want someone to work alongside you. They can also help you consider consent, ethics and safety as well as supporting you during the interviewing, analysis and reporting.
Who do you need to involve?
Collecting a full description of the impact of the club or facility will require you to interview a broad range of stakeholders. Think about:
internal stakeholders — these might include governance committee, administrators, volunteers, members, users, junior members, their families
local stakeholders — these might include local media, schools, social services, police, other clubs/venues, other youth, other families
regional or national stakeholders — these might include sports/recreation associations, territorial authority (city councillors, council administrators, managers).
Regional or national stakeholders Local stakeholders Internal stakeholders
Consider what you can do yourselves and what might you need to pay for. This might include:
purchase of equipment (dictaphone, digital camera, video camera)
experts (researchers, interviewers, writers, designers)
publication (costs of design and reproduction of any final documents).